Teaching Ideas

It should not matter is your child is in school or at home during this Pandemic.  You can always continue to teach.  Teaching is not just for a classroom.  Teaching is done everywhere.  The sky is the limit!
If you have a young child  just diagnosed with Autism,  you may be looking for information on;
  • treatment options
  • funding options
  • how to teach language skills
  • how to understand your child's needs 
The list goes on.

If you have a child in school that has difficulties due to Autism, Learning Deficits, Down Syndrome, and other Communication or Cognitive Delays, you may be researching information on;
  • teaching in school
  • will my child be better in a small class or in the regular sized class
  • will my child ever to go College
  • will my child ever get a job
  • how will I afford therapy for my child
This site is geared towards supporting you, as parents, caregivers, support workers and/or teachers on how to be more prepared in your day to day teaching.  It may be the skills you teach at home, in the playground, in the community or at school.  Teaching is an ongoing process.  It is meant to challenge us at times and to seem easy at other times.  

Welcome to my blog

This year has been quite a year.  With Covid-19, we have all had to adjust to a new way of life.  With no clear ending in sight, schools will look so different this year.  It can be hard enough for students to manage the start of a new school year, but our kids have been out of school since March Break.  Lots of parents have had a difficult time accessing support and so many of our kids had a difficult time learning online.  For many parents, online learning may not have even been an option.  Just know that it is never to late to get more support for you or your child.  Where there is a will, there is a way!
Even though it was difficult, we kept going.  As educators we continue to strive for the best.  As parents, we try to make our kids lives easier.  So together we stay positive (at least, we try) and we will continue to find ways to keep our children engaged and educated!